Mele Marrero, Margarita

Tenured Senior Lecturer


Margarita Mele-Marrero istenured Senior Lecturer of the Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana at the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL)since 2002. She has been in charge of subjects in The English Studies Degree related with ISP, History of the English Language and Medieval English Philology. The latter ones were also part of her involvement in the Máster de EstudiosMedievalesEuropeos, MEMULL.

Research interests have likewise followed the mentioned lines, first within a lexical and philological frame and, more recently, from a historical pragmatics perspective. Publications in these areas have not obscured other concerns on the evolution and imposition of English as a global language, fields of significance in the present research group.

Mele-Marrero has participated in four previous projects as researcher or collaborator and is currently engaged in the compilation of the CoruñaCorpus of English Scientific Writing. She is also an active member of the ULL IEMyR and works as reviewer in several journals and English Studies associations.


